Today proved a glorious day of fine weather in the low 70s... and the crowds came. It was great fun to watch people's reactions as they strolled by my booth. Some just kept right on going. Other people's faces lit up, and they stopped to look and touch and laugh. I really enjoy the laughing part. When I explained the sgraffito technique... the black and white pieces pictured at the left... how the pieces are 'painted' with black underglaze and then carved down to the white clay to produce the design... there were many raised eyebrows. kinda gratifying, I won't lie. And then they'd touch the surface to feel the carving marks. oooo ahhh!
My fabulous potter friends, Jane Longendorfer and Peg Henderson, were demonstrating across from me. Every now and then I could hear Jane's great laugh, and I wondered what I was missing. Throughout the day she built an incredible dog's head bird house. Hmmm, and why didn't I take a picture? Tomorrow. (tho' you can go to her blog: and see a slide show of these amazing bird houses.)
My daughter came to brighten the afternoon accompanied by her 2 very fabulous friends. The day went pretty quickly till about 3pm when the concrete floor started to get to me. yikes. So tonite I'm propping up my feet. Thinking about the requests people made: I need to make something with some pigs. good idea! And now I'm way too tired to continue, so more tomorrow! I think I sold almost 30 pieces today (!) so I hope tomorrow is busy too.
After 3 days of Foothills, my feet feel like hills. Is that what Foothills means?