Many thanks to my dear friend, Michelle, for discovering that I have my blog address wrong on my new biz cards. *sigh* No "@" required... just a "." With the help of some double stick tape I will now be the proud owner of 2000 fabulous stickers. ha! Good thing all the contact info is on the back.
Christine Thomas, graphic designer & illustrator extraordinaire, has made the change and ordered fresh cards. She is magic.
Now... do I dare open the kiln to see how the bisque fire went? Can't help wondering if I'm tempting fate here...
I apologize for its being rather bare bones at the moment. I'm currently focusing all my time and energy prepping for an upcoming show November 12 -14: The Foothills Craft Guild's 44th Annual Fine Craft Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. Bit of a mouthful. It's my first big show which means not only do I need to be madly making/finishing stuff, I also have to design my booth. *suppressed giggle of hysteria*
I'll check in periodically and post some photos of things as they come out of the kiln, but otherwise this blog will be mostly bare bones till after the show. By then the pressure will be off, and I hope to have one of my good geek buds (Jane Longendorfer are you listening?) help me.
This happy cat was inspired by my cat, Guido... as in Guido Sarducci. It's done in sgraffito which means I paint the whole thing with 3 coats of black underglaze and then carve out the design revealing the white stoneware clay. This produces great lines and textures! After the bisque firing to 1828 degrees I brush on the clear glaze and fire to 2151 (cone 5.)